Toffee Apple Cinnamon Muffins
Back to News 14 September 2020 by Kela Hodgins in Food & Recipes

Toffee Apples are something I always associate with Autumn and Halloween. They are such a traditional icon of this time of year but in truth I always found them way to sweet to eat as a child.
These muffins take the best of these elements and combine them in delicious, moreish, seasonal treats that you will have no difficulty in eating!!
I’ve been gathering windfalls from the orchard to make chutneys and crumbles but these are one of my favourite treats. Serve with a dollop of cream or creme fraiche and a drizzle of any leftover syrup from the filling.

Toffee Apple Cinnamon Muffins
Cinnamon Apple Sauce:
300g Bramley or cooking apples
100g soft brown sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
Muffin Ingredients:
275g plain flour
1 tbsp baking powder
100g caster sugar
75g butter softened or Stork with Butter
2 large free range eggs
125ml milk (full fat)
100g fudge, chopped into small chunks
2tbsp brown sugar mixed with 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
Preheat oven to 200C or 180C fan. Line your muffin tin with papers – check out my tip on how to make your own papers on our Instagram post.
1. Make the apple sauce first by peeling and chopping the apples into small dice. Put the diced apple, the sugar, cinnamon & 3tsp water into a small saucepan. Cook gently until the apple is tender but not turned to mush. Keep an eye on it and leave to cool when done.
2. Sift the flour, baking powder and sugar into a large bowl.
3. Beat the butter and eggs together then add in the milk & combine briefly.
4. Add the fudge chunks into the flour mixture then add in the egg/milk combo into this. Stir together until the mixture is just combined…don’t over mix.
5. Put half the mix into the paper cases then add a spoonful of the apple sauce on top of this. Cover both of these with the remaining mixture, add a drizzle of the sauce on top then sprinkle with the sugar/cinnamon mix. See picture below.
6. Cook in the preheated oven for 20-25 mins until golden brown. Remove to a wire rack.
7. I like to eat these while still warm & oozie!